Our research informs how businesses can include the views and actions of marginalized stakeholders to improve dialogue, learning, and innovation and thus ultimately increase social value creation. The focus is on bridging the gap between businesses’ ideas of social impact and preferred economic activities by and for citizens.
Charitable giving is a large economic sector which is mainly funded by private con-tributions and donations. It has been documented that people avoid appeals to charity, although the exact reason remains unclear. We will experimentally investigate whether the anticipation of empathic reflexes to give is a driver behind giving avoidance.
Sustainability research grows more important every year, but also gets more complex. This project aims to unify the sustainability marketing field, using novel methodology to identify the three dimensions that build the A-VO-SP Map. Currently, the A-VO-SP Map is being built into an interactive web-tool to visualise and understand these research trends.
Our project studies how intermediaries in the personnel selection process (e.g., HR or head hunters) evaluate and select candidates. Importantly, these evaluations also depend on the perceived preferences of the employers/firm. This raises the questions how head-hunters evaluate candidates (and potentially discriminate) when choosing for different employers, and how the decision process differs.
There is currently much interest in the notion of corporate purpose as an organising concept to capture balanced attention to the simultaneous pursuit of financial performance goals and social impact goals. This research aims to obtain qualitative insights into how prominent, high-profile organisations are making the strategic shift to becoming purpose-driven.
To understand why people make decisions that benefit the environment in the future, research mostly focused on trade-offs between oneself and others, the environment or future generations. This project aims to explore the relation between concern and care about our own future and environmental behaviour.
Monetary policy affects how costly it is to transition away from polluting technologies, especially for capital-intensive firms. Using a state-of-the-art methodology to identify monetary policy shocks, this project examines how monetary policy shapes the path to net-zero via financing.
The EU Emissions Trading System incentivises firms to reduce the carbon intensity of their production. To solve the issue of carbon leakage, the EU recently decided of a border mechanism, which will tax imports of carbon-intensive products. I analyze the consequences of this policy on firm-to-firm networks and estimate its environmental impact.
In this workshop we will show the importance of and train about analytics for a better world. Analytics significantly contributes to the success of companies and has also proven to be extremely valuable in solving major challenges facing society. The workshop is intended for 25 female PhD students.
This project investigates why countries and companies trade waste and explores whether a Chinese ban on waste imports has led to waste being sent to other low-income countries, potentially harming the environment and public health, or to countries that could use it for recycling.
Participation in sport activities is a potential but under-investigated driver of child development. This project evaluates whether the exposure of children from disadvantaged neighborhoods to sport-related activities, i.e., a class on healthy lifestyle and 1-year free access to sport facilities, has the potential to foster wellbeing, inclusion, and social skills.
Financial markets witnessed a surge in index investing in recent years. Consequentially, many companies have become part of equity indices, which tilted their ownership structures towards more passive index investors. We analyze whether this change in ownership structure affects the environmental performance of companies.
Summary: The number of multinational firms has been increasing steadily. What is their economic impact on the labor market? I want to examine how multinational firms affect wages for domestic workers, labor migration and wage inequality, and how these factors interplay. For empirical evaluation, I will use Dutch administrative employer-employee data.
This annual event, hosted by the Amsterdam Business School this year, and co-organized by scholars from Rotterdam School of Management and Vrije Universiteit, brings together the Dutch-based community of (early career) researchers interested in the role of business in society, sustainability, corporate responsibility, social entrepreneurship and business ethics, broadly understood.