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A Sustainable Future (ASF) is seeking enthusiastic faculty members from both the Amsterdam School of Economics (ASE) and the Amsterdam Business School (ABS) to join its Scientific Committee. We are looking for UvA-EB faculty members, particularly junior colleagues (assistant professors and junior associate professors), passionate about sustainability (research) and willing to commit to a team of about 20 people to contribute to ASF initiatives.

The ASF Scientific Committee

ASF is an UvA-EB initiative with the primary goal of fostering economics and business research on topics connected to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by promoting collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches. To know more about ASF and the current members of the scientific committtee, please visit our staff page at the ASF website.

The roles of the ASF Scientific Committee

  • Grants evaluation at one of the two annual rounds (Spring and Fall) of the ASF call for grants;
  • Presentation of the evaluation decisions to the UvA-EB Research Directors for final approval by rotating chairs of the evaluation committee meetings;
  • Active participation in ASF meetings and initiatives;
  • Promotion and support of ASF activities.

What's in this for you?

ASF Scientific Committee members can enjoy a privileged position to:

  • Connect with our community of researchers in Sustainability;
  • Broaden their view and stay up-to-date on sustainability research at UvA-EB;
  • Develop connections within and across ABS and ASE;
  • Contribute to the UvA-EB’s Research Priority Areas;
  • Take action for a better world!

Application deadline: October 29, 2024

If you are interested in the position, please send us your candidacy, including a motivation letter and CV, no later than October 29, 2024. For question or additional information, please contact us via

Send your application
Only 14 days left!