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We are pleased to launch the 10th ASF call for small research, and outreach grants. Read more about this call on this webpage.

In line with the previous round, A Sustainable Future (ASF) welcomes three typologies of grant to support EB sustainability research and outreach projects. The characteristics trait of the call remains the special focus on EB junior faculty and cross-school collaborations.

Only 34 days left!

Submission details

Deadline: 18 November 2024
Submission: Submit your proposal
Grant amount:

1. Cross-school (and across faculties) research applications: up to 15K Euro for research proposals involving faculty members from both the School of Economics and the Business School, or with researchers from other UvA Faculties. Preference will be given to projects indicating an EB junior faculty member (PhD students, Post-docs, tenure-track assistant professors, level II associate professors) as principal investor (PI). External researchers are welcome to participate in the project as team members but are not grant recipients and cannot be indicated as the PI.


2. Junior faculty research applications: up to 10K Euro for research proposals involving only EB junior faculty members in the team of applicants.

  3. General applications (including outreach): up to 10K Euro for research projects not fitting the previous categories, new course proposals, or outreach initiatives.
  We aim to dedicate two-thirds of the total amount available to applications of the first and second categories.
Eligible expenses

• Data access and collection (including secondary data and databses), participants surveys, experiments, research material and computing costs


• Research assistants (RA rate standardized: 65 Euro per hour gross, hired via Studijob, and including UvA overhead)

  • Conferences/research travels/visitor proposals (according to UvA policy concerning Sustainable travel)
  • Outreach initiatives (e.g., workshops, panel sessions, roundtables)
  Note: Before drafting the project budget, please read more about the eligible expenses at
Decision: by 20 January 2025
Total budget: 100K Euro
Decision process: Proposals will be evaluated by the ASF Scientific Committee, approved by the ABS and ASE Research Directors.

Selection criteria

The selection will be made according to the following criteria:

1. Quality of the proposal (45%):

  1. Academic relevance of the problem
  2. Innovative character (e.g., new concepts or theory, methods, new data)
  3. Feasibility of the research plan
  4. Societal impact of the proposal

2. Fit with the ASF Goals (40%)

3. Efficient use of the amount of money requested, outlined in a detailed budget section (15%)


ASF may grant only a fraction of the amount requested by the applicant(s). Applying for top-up funding is possible in only one of the next grant rounds if indicated so by the final decision. 

Any EB faculty members, including UvA internal PhD students, can apply (the call is not open for external EB faculty). Receiving funding implies agreeing to report after two years from the reception of the grant. The ASF grant budget can only be used for activities specified in the project application. Unused ASF grant budget will be transferred back to the ASF research account. The ASF grant budget cannot be transferred to other institutions and can be used only if the PI is affiliated with the EB faculty.

ASF grant holders are expected to participate in ASF activities (including seminars and outreach events) and present their research.

For this round each faculty member can appear as PI in a maximum of two proposals and will get a maximum of one proposal accepted. However, faculty members can participate in multiple applications as team members or collaborators.

If an application is rejected, the EB faculty member is eligible to participate in future calls with a new proposal. In specific circumstances, ASF can invite the re-submission of an updated version of the previously rejected proposal.


If you have any questions regarding this call for grant, please contact us.