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Dr T. (Tanja) Hentschel

Faculty of Economics and Business
Sectie Leadership & Management

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Room number: M2.16
Postal address
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Since 2017, dr. Tanja Hentschel is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam. Her current research focuses on gender stereotypes, biases, leadership, and career choices. She received her Ph.D. from the Technical University of Munich, Germany.



    Assistant Professor of HRM and Organizational Behavior

    Research Program

    Leadership and Management

    Research interests

    Organizational Behavior, Gender Stereotypes, Diversity, Leadership

  • Teaching

    Leadership & Management Master Track Coordinator

    Teaching Activities

    Current year

    Personality and Behaviour in Organisations (EPMS Pre-Master)

    Theses supervision

    BSc and MSc theses 

    Theses subjects: Gender Stereotypes in the Workplace, Women in Leadership, Diversity 

  • Veni Project

    NWO-funded Veni Project "The person I should be: Prescriptive self-stereotyping of women and men"

    Progress toward achieving the UN’s sustainable development goal to foster gender equality is slow. Though women are better represented in the workplace than ever before, they remain underrepresented in many prestigious professions and high-level positions; women are also more often employed in people-oriented occupations and men in things-oriented occupations. Stereotypes (generalized assumptions about women and men) are a major reason for gender inequality.

    This project develops theory and investigates how women’s and men’s internalization of stereotypes about who they should be (i.e., prescriptive self-stereotyping) can result in gendered career behavior and choices. In other words, the aim of this project is to understand how prescriptive self-stereotyping of women and men leads to gendered career trajectories. 

  • Links
  • Publications


    • Sieweke, J., Hentschel, T., Gazdag, B. A., & Henningsen, L. (2025). The business case for demographic diversity in strategic leadership teams: A systematic and critical review of the causal evidence. Leadership Quarterly, 36(1), Article 101843.


    • Cheng, J. T., Hemelrijk, C. K., Hentschel, T., Huchard, E., Kappeler, P. M., & Veldman, J. (2024). Corrigendum: Editorial: Sex and gender effects on power, status, dominance, and leadership – an interdisciplinary look at human and other mammalian societies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12, Article 1381096.
    • Obenauer, W. G., Sieweke, J., Bastardoz, N., Arvate, P. R., Gazdag, B. A., & Hentschel, T. (2024). Are women strategic leaders more effective during a crisis than men strategic leaders? A causal analysis of the relationship between strategic leader gender and outcomes during the COVID-19 crisis. The Leadership Quarterly, 35(6), Article 101812.


    • Cheng, J. T., Hemelrijk, C. K., Hentschel, T., Huchard, E., Kappeler, P. M., & Veldman, J. (2023). Editorial: Sex and gender effects on power, status, dominance, and leadership – an interdisciplinary look at human and other mammalian societies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, Article 1340095. [details]
    • Engel, Y., Lewis, T., Cardon, M. S., & Hentschel, T. (2023). Signaling Diversity Debt: Startup Gender Composition and the Gender Gap in Joiners’ Interest. Academy of Management Journal, 66(5), 1469–1500. [details]
    • Shen, W., Hentschel, T., & Hideg, I. (2023). Leading through the uncertainty of COVID-19: The joint influence of leader emotions and gender on abusive and family-supportive supervisory behaviours. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Advance online publication.



    • Hentschel, T., Braun, S., Peus, C., & Frey, D. (2021). Sounds like a fit! Wording in recruitment advertisements and recruiter gender affect women's pursuit of career development programs via anticipated belongingness. Human Resource Management, 60(4), 581-602. [details]




    • Knipfer, K., Shaughnessy, B., Hentschel, T., & Schmid, E. (2017). Unlocking women's leadership potential: A curricular example for developing female leaders in academia. Journal of Management Education, 41(2), 272-302. Advance online publication.


    • Shaughnessy, B., Braun, S., Hentschel, T., & Peus, C. V. (2016). Diverse and just? The role of quota-based selection policies on organizational outcomes. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46(7), 880-890.


    • Braun, S., Frey, D., Brodbeck, F. C., & Hentschel, T. (2015). Group processes in organizations. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition (pp. 408-415). Elsevier Inc..
    • Knipfer, K., Shaughnessy, B., Hentschel, T., & Schmid, E. (2015). Leading in academia: A curricular example for developing women scientists for leadership roles. Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2015, 123-128.
    • Shaughnessy, B. A., Mislin, A. A., & Hentschel, T. (2015). Should he chitchat? The benefits of small talk for male versus female negotiators. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 37(2), 105-117.


    • Hentschel, T., Shemla, M., Wegge, J., & Kearney, E. (2013). Perceived diversity and team functioning: The role of diversity beliefs and affect. Small Group Research, 44(1), 33-61.



    • Hentschel, T., Braun, S., & Peus, C. (2017). Warum wird sie nicht Führungskraft? Geschlecht und Karriereentwicklung. In S. Kauffeld, & D. Spurk (Eds.), Handbuch Laufbahnmanagement und Karriereplanung (pp. 1-31). Springer.


    • Braun, S., Hentschel, T., Peus, C., & Frey, D. (2016). Geschlechtsunterschiede und Geschlechtsstereotype. In H-W. Bierhoff, & D. Frey (Eds.), Soziale Motive und soziale Einstellungen : Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Sozialpsychologie (pp. 759–784).


    • Hentschel, T., Bilinska, P., & Ellwart, T. (2012). Bericht über den 9. Nachwuchsworkshop der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Trier. Zeitschrift fur Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 56(3), 156-157.




    • Braun, S., Hentschel, T., Frey, D., & Peus, C. (2016). Personalsuche: Profis ans Werk. Deutsche Universitätszeitung - Karriere Letter, 2016(7).!/id/414


    • Braun, S., Hentschel, T., Peus, C., & Frey, D. (2015). Chancengleichheit durch professionelle Personalauswahl in der Wissenschaft. In C. Peus, S. Braun, T. Hentschel, & D. Frey (Eds.), Personalauswahl in der Wissenschaft - Evidenzbasierte Methoden und Impulse für die Praxis (pp. 29-48). Springer Berlin, Heidelberg.
    • Hentschel, T., & Horvath, L. K. (2015). Passende Talente ansprechen - Rekrutierung und Gestaltung von Stellenanzeigen. In C. Peus, S. Braun, T. Hentschel, & D. Frey (Eds.), Personalauswahl in der Wissenschaft - Evidenzbasierte Methoden und Impulse für die Praxis (pp. 65-82). Springer.
    • Peus, C., Braun, S., Hentschel, T., & Frey, D. (2015). Personalauswahl in der Wissenschaft - Evidenzbasierte Methoden und Impulse für die Praxis. Springer.
    • Peus, C., Hentschel, T., & Braun, S. (2015). Talents in Diversity: Personalauswahl als Erfolgsfaktor für die Wissenschaft. In N. Hiller, & B. Langer (Eds.), Geschlechtergerechte Personalentwicklung an Hochschulen - Maßnahmen und Herausforderungen (pp. 173 - 194). Nomos.


    • Hentschel, T. (2014). Team Diversity: Nutzen oder Hindernis? In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse, & K. Sassenberg (Eds.), Wissenskollektion: 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (pp. 102-103). Springer Gabler.


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