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Join us on September 9 and 10, 2024 at the University Library to explore questions around climate policy together, and meet a group of committed academics, activists, and policy makers. The workshop is open to UvA faculty, students, and the general public. Registration is now open.
Event details of Workshop on climate policy: Inequality, fairness, and public acceptance
Start date
9 September 2024
End date
10 September 2024

The workshop

How are the costs of climate change distributed across different regions and income groups? How can these costs be shared more justly? How should climate policies be designed and communicated to reach a broad consensus and keep us united in the fight against climate change? 

Between September 9-10, 2024 the "Workshop on climate policy: Inequality, fairness, and public acceptance" will be organised at the University Library at the University of Amsterdam. 


September 9, 2024

9:00-10:00: Breakfast and welcome

10:00-12:00: Academic session 1 - Distributional impact of climate change

•    Gregor Singer (London School of Economics)
•    Joyeeta Gupta (University of Amsterdam and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education)
•    Shuang Zhang (Imperial College London)

12:00-13:30: Lunch 

13:30-15:30: Academic session 2 - Politically feasible design and communication of climate policies

•    Steffen Kallbekken (CICERO Center for International Climate Research)
•    Claudia Schwirplies (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
•    Adrien Fabre (CIRED)

15:30-16:00: Coffee break

16:00-17:30: Policy session 1 - Sustainability at the city of Amsterdam, effective climate policy communication, and the role of scientists in urgent times 

•    Radhika Mittal (University of Amsterdam)
•    Dirk de Jager (City Council Mun. of Amsterdam)
•    Marthe Wens (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
•    Gianluca Grimalda (Universität Passau)

19:00-22:00: Dinner for invited speakers and organizing committee

September 10, 2024

8:00-9:00: Breakfast and welcome

9:00-11:00: Academic session 3 - Distributional impact of climate policies

•    Julius Andersson (London School of Economics)
•    Matti Liski (Aalto university)
•    Albert Jan Hummel (University of Amsterdam)

11:00-11:20: Coffee break

11:20-12:50: Policy session 2 - Climate policy and climate justice in action

•    Adrien Fabre (CIRED)
•    Lucy Oates (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving and TU Delft)
•    Herman Vollebergh (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving and Tilburg University)
•    Steven Poelhekke (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) 

12:50-14:00: Lunch + closing

Organising committee

Z. (Zichen) Deng

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Microeconomics

Dr T.R.G.R. (Thomas) Douenne

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Macro & International Economics

Dr. J.M. (Jantsje) Mol

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Microeconomics

Dr. G. (Giorgia) Romagnoli

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Microeconomics

Information and registration

Registration is open. Please find the link on this page. We have a limited number of seats available.

Workshop fee: 20 Euros. Upon registration you will receive instructions to transfer the amount. Participation is confirmed once your fee has been received by the University of Amsterdam.

In some cases it is possible to request a fee waiver. Please contact the conference team should this apply to your situation. 

A Sustainable Future funded initiative

The workshop workshop is organized with the financial support of the A Sustainable Future initiative (ASF), financed by the faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam.

Arriving and leaving Amsterdam

Schiphol airport is best reached by regular train service. The 15-minute train ride leaves every 10 to 15 minutes from Amsterdam Central Station, which is a 5-minute taxi ride from the conference venue. It is a 10 minutes walk from Central Station to the conference venue. A taxi from the conference venue to Schiphol airport would take about 25 minutes.

Public transport

To check in for public transport in the Netherlands most systems (train, metro, tram lines) accept wireless payments by your debit/credit/bank card (e.g. Mastercard, VISA, Maestro) and mobile phone. You can also buy train tickets from the yellow machines at the railway station. Some machines take credit cards and/or coins, some machines only take Dutch bank cards. It is also possible to purchase an electronic transport card (“ov chip card”). These can be purchased from the machines at most metro stations or at the GVB office at the central station. To plan your trip, visit:

University Library

Room Doelenzaal
Singel 425
1012 WP Amsterdam